Courtney Kampas Death: What Was The Cause Behind Her Sudden Demise?

Courtney Kampa’s Death in a car accident has left her friends and family in deep sorrow. 

Will Anderson’s wife, Courtney Kampa, an award-winning author, poet, and writer passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.  Elizabeth Foss revealed her death in a Facebook post. 

William Charles Anderson, the lead vocalist, and songwriter for the American pop-rock band Parachute was previously married to musician and actress Courtney Kampa.

Her husband posted on Instagram, ‘There are no words but I have to try. My sweet Courtney passed away. She was my best friend, the smartest, funniest, and kindest person I’ve ever known. And was and always will be my dream girl. I love you forever, baby doll.’

Courtney Kampa was born and raised in Virginia. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a bachelor’s in arts and Columbia University with a master’s in arts. 

A well-known author, poet, and teacher, Courtney Kampa also enjoyed teaching. After a degree in Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia, Courtney went to Columbia University to earn a degree in Master of Arts. 

After her poetry appeared in publications like The Boston Review, Three Quarterly, Missouri Review, The Wall Street Journal, National Poetry Review, and The New England Review, among many others, she attracted a lot of attention.

Our Lady of Not Asking Why, Courtney’s debut book, was chosen by Mary Szybist, the National Book Award winner, to receive the Press’s First Book Award.

Courtney Kampa has received accolades from publications such as The Atlantic, Poets & Writers Magazine, The North American Review, and others, in addition to the Best New Poet award. 

She was nominated for the Ruth Lilly Prize in 2016 and won the Rattle Poetry Readers’ Choice Award in 2014. Get all the information regarding Courtney Kampa’s car accident here. 

Courtney Kampa Was Involved In A Fatal Car Accident 

On November 15, 2022, Courtney Kampa, the wife of Will Anderson, was discovered dead. The news of her death was updated on Facebook. According to reliable sources, she was killed in an automobile accident. 

No one from Courtney’s family or circle of friends has formally confirmed the cause of her death. Her fatal injuries from the vehicle collision are thought to be what ultimately caused her death. 

Courtney Kampa Obituary

On Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Courtney Kampa’s internet obituary stated that she died unexpectedly from a deadly car accident. 

The cause of death, however, was not made public. Courtney Kampa’s family members will soon share information about the funeral service and final farewell. 

Tributes Were Paid On Social Media

Her friends and followers send her sincere messages of support and sympathy on their social media pages. 

‘Just discovered that Courtney Kampa went gone,’ Natalie Eilbert tweeted. ‘I am speechless. She was always very intelligent, gracious, giving, and encouraging. I’m very devastated.’
